to drink alot of alcohol and not get drunk

The ability to teleport instantly to your current location.

The ability to break the fourth wall. Thank you for reading this pointless super power, please like it.

The power to correct spelling mistakes on road signs

The power to gain 400 pounds in 400 seconds.

The ability to just 1 meter high, but whenever you do so you lose a meter from your height, only to regain it when you hit the ground.

The power to be able to get bobble heads that instantly disappear after 0000000000000000.1 seconds

The power to time-travel to the moment you die.

the ability to make your eyes pop out.

The power to become a destructive green beast that demolishes cities, which you have absolutely no control over whenever you get angry or scared.

The power to sharpen mechanical pencils and pens.

the power to make realy convincing whale noises

The ability to not be Batman

The power to complete the jigsaw puzzle that you got bored of because it was to hard and now its in the box and covered in dust

The power to face plant at your own will, but not being able to stop.

North Korea's Nuclear missile program.

The power to jump inside the TV, but only when the screen is removed

The power to be an artistic genius during a math test.

Really bendy thumb

The power to do nothing with your life.

The Power to realize the Chuck Norris is overrated, not funny, not that strong, old, over used and anyone who tells a Chuck Norris joke is not funny and never will be, has no future as a comedian or any future at all and will die having not accomplished anything in life.

The power to levitate for 10 seconds only when having explosive diarrhea

The ability to walk backwards... backwards.

The power to fart to inside. By mouth.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!