The power to see through clothes of women 70+.

The ability to pull open push only doors

The power to discern the breed of a cat by the taste of its poop.

The power to not constantly thumb my comments up or down, whichever. Moral: Energy spent on me, is energy well spent! Stay proud and walk tall soldier!

Beeing 99% Bullet proof, with the 1% shifting places to whereever a bullet is about to hit you.

The power grow arm pit hair 5 times faster and 5 times longer than it was after shaving.

An extra set of your scrotum

The Power To Lick My Own Penis

The power to instantly kill anyone you start to love

Invisibility, when no one is looking.

The power to create garbage out of nowhere.

The power to make a woman be quiet but only during sex.

The power to turn random things that you touch into water, like in a schick hydro commercial

The power to menstruate from your eyes.

the power to only eat sugar, but not things that tastes sweet.

The power to see when people fart.

The power to make anything money related to disappear.

ability to run very fast without stopping forever

Eat pizza but you have to be eating pizza

Shit bricks I love itttttt

The power to be there were you dont wanet to be!

the power to have an organsim when your a boy

cry acid tears

the power to start a new wave band with a neon Open sign, a single bath salt, and a wet Tibetan ritz cracker.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!