the power to piss at will but only when your bladder is full

The power to create all the powers on this site

Having the power to trap bugs with your manly body hair (chest hair, nose hair, moustache, armpit hair, pubic.......)

to zap people but only yourself

the ability to smell sounds

the power to beathe

The power to grow back your nails 2 seconds after you pick them.

The power of being invincible, except when a life-threatening situation develops.

The power to be a really good bowler, but only with a bowling ball that has the skull of your dead father embedded in its center.

the power to teleport 2 in. from were you were standing in 8 hours

mime-o-moid. The power to pretend to be stuck in a box, walk a dog and climb a rope.

the power to lose your power at will

The power to regenerate limbs, but twenty years after you've lost it.

The power to go super saiyan for 0.01 seconds

Vanilla scented blood

The power to stop time but if you do so you will also stop.

The ability to fly... But when your not in the air

The ability to fart with out smellling it only the others around you

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The power to survive underwater, while holding your breath.

The ability to talk to parrots and have them talk back to you

The ability to make cringe worthy YouTube videos

The power to fly while masturbating.

The power to look good, but only when you have no where to go.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!