The ability to type incredibly fast when your keyboard is broken.

Have god like powers but only on 30 of february

The ability to open your window, and shout retarded things at your neighbors. "HEY! MY ASH SMELLS LIKE BANANAS!"

The power to complete the jigsaw puzzle that you got bored of because it was to hard and now its in the box and covered in dust

the power to get a random fruit every 10 days...

The power to not constantly thumb my comments up or down, whichever. Moral: Energy spent on me, is energy well spent! Stay proud and walk tall soldier!

The power to have 50%-78% water in your body

The power to eat McDonald's in Wendy's.

The power to do control the atmosphere, but only in space.

The ability to fly for 14 seconds every decade.

The power to remove all ads from any page *cough* please make that on this website *cough*

Invisibility, when no one is looking.

The ability to stop only ONE bullet and ONE bullet only

The power to blow up when you blink

The power to die,but only if your alive!

Having perfect 20-20 vision, only when wearing glasses.

Can fall without taking any injury, but for only 1 foot.

The have weak x-ray vision, while only seeing lead.

The Power To Make Justin Bieber.

The power to make every female cop want you... IN JAIL.

To be able to turn into any molusk when in a lava pit

The power to kill someone as long as they've already been killed.

The power to be invisible to everything but security cameras.

The power to look out any window in the world and immediately get it on the face by a bald eagle.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!