The power to give someone the power to give the power.

The power to not respond to gravity (only when you're in space).

the ability to add edges to any circle on anything that you can write on

The power to sing that lame "Tomorrow" song from Annie uncontrollaby on Dec. 21, 2012.

If you shy of meeting girls in real life and find it easier on a computer and cam, you will have the power to pull 100s of girl every week local to you so go to and see the power you never knew you ever had to pull girls so fast.

the power to tie your shoelaces with one hand

Stop clapping

The power to blink at incredibly fast speeds

The power become a kite but not when it's windy

The power to turn anything you touch into old.


The ability to do nothing

The power to absolutely nothing

The power to make a small chair appear -- one time.

The power to walk on your ASS Dude that's what I call ASS millage

The power to die at will

The power to perfectly tie a Cherry stem in your mouth only while your in and elevator going down in Shanghai on the fourth shortest tower with a pink roof

The power to see the future, but have nobody believe you.

The ability to never get your comments featured on jacksfilms YIAY series

The power to seduce any woman but only if you're gay

the power to sleep while standing!

The power to have everything taste like rubbing alcohol

the power to only have to go to the bathroom once a year but smell like poop the whole year.

The power to feel like you're gonna sneeze forever

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!