The power to speak a language only you can undeerstand

The ability to fly, but only when there's no gravity.

The ability to find objects in the last place you look

The power to think of hilarious intensely racist jokes, but only at Black Lives Matter protests.

The power to make paper doves at above average speed but you can only make 4 a day.

The power to find treasure, when you try to look for it.

The ability to fly as long as you're touching the floor.

The power to read your own thoughts.

The power to suck your own dick but not when your horny

The power to outthink the smartest people ever conceived, but only remember what you though for an attasecond.

The power to suck deez nuts

The power to random things that you touch into the same thing but a different color

The power to listen to Meghan Straight talk

The power to write about power.

The powert to look at people, only when you're alone.

The ability to taste only from your butt-hole.

The power to not be moral man. Moral: Your thumbs down cant hurt me! Are you a fucking ass? IM THE MORAL MAN BITCH!

The power to make police appear whilst speeding.

the power to remotely jizz in someone's sock.

the power to go on the internet, but only when there is no wi-fi

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The power to state the obvious at will.

The power to blow a bubblegum bubble without bubblegum.

The power to have excellent wifi when all your devices are dead.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!