The power of singing piano playing and color blindness. Moral: "The skies are orange! Blue Roses too"

The power to use the internet whenever you want, but only on dialup

I am the daddy devil of all evil hhaha like A boss

The ability to creat the worlds best computer but only if it doesnt work

The ability to hear a tree falling in the woods when there is nobody there to hear it.

The power to shift baroque and rococo era paintings proximately 2" up and 3" to the left.

The power to stretch your tounge but it can only curve in a way that it only get inside your anus.

the power to jerk off

The power to fly 2 feet in the air.

The power to be powerless

Turn gold into lead.

The power to troll everyone... only to realise you were trolled by a liar fairy

The power to sweat an ordorless, but flammable liquid.

The ability to change a light bulb with the help of a friend on the first or fourth Tuesday of every 4 four months when he has enough free time to help.

The power to smell everyone's crap from anywhere you go

Th pwr t frgt vwls.

The power to transform into an ant, but only on busy pavements in the after work rush.

the power to become friends with a plastic box

Nihat Do?an

The power to fly, but only on the moon

The power to make guns appear in the hands of people who are enraged at you.

The power to breath while under a container of water

The ability to draw an imperfect circle


Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!