The power to kill yourself when you are dead.

The power to play FPS games in real life (respawning included) but lag a lot

The ability to fart like a zombie.

The power to find spare change in the sofa

The ability to digest three types of earth elementals

The power to not be able to get powers

The power to single handily tear one sheet of toilet paper from the roll

If you shy of meeting girls in real life and find it easier on a computer and cam, you will have the power to pull 100s of girl every week local to you so go to and see the power you never knew you ever had to pull girls so fast.

The power to not respond to gravity (only when you're in space).

the power to make your nose longer by 5 centimeter on command

the power to be the best looking person but only to rapists.

to not care about pointless superpowers

The power to die at will, and you can only do it once.

The power to have the strength of 50 old people

the power to frow up when your not sick.

The power to say something positive about Justin Beiber

The power to have tastebuds inside your ass.

The power to be invisible when no one is looking at you!

The power to know you don't have a superpower

The ability to create one iron nail. The power can only be used at 12:45 P:M every five days, and will only work if the nail you created previously has been destroyed and/or broken down to a state in which it would be unusable as a typical nail.

The power to shit purple butterflies.

The power to strap a bomb on your chest, walk into a crowded area, and detonate it

The power to seduce any woman but only if you're gay

the ability to only do pointless things.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!