The power to turn into paper

The power to fill in ___ blank

the power to lick your own tongue

To be able to cut grass to the femtometer of any desired length, but only whilst standing in the eye of a hurricane.

The power to cook bad meals.

The power to eat gumbo with a fork.

the power to be a complete troll

The power to shut the fuck up.

The ability to breath in a complete vacuum but nowhere else

The power to fly at the speed of light, but then your pants keep coming off!

The power to have no powers

The power to create ice out of thin air but only at -35 degree celcius and below.

The power to talk to talking animals.

the power to shit shards of glass

power to make acid rain only when your are locked outside your house

The power to kick ass when your names aoife.

the power to eat gold and turn it into koosh balls

Uber Sensitive man, in terms of touch and emotion.

Alzheimers man, the ability to show up where you are needed but forget why you are there in the first place

The power to not get sun burnt when the sun's out

The power to lose body parts spontaneously.

The power to microwave bread

to change what time it is 1 time per week

The power to turn cake into poop.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!