The ability to be jokingly racist and not get sued by an hypocritically racist black man and end up having to carry out a minor jail sentence or pay a fine.

The power to go back to Anti-jokes.

The power to see the dress as both black and blue and white and gold!

The power to call any phone number in the world, but only when using a phone owned by someone you don't know.

The power to phase through toilet paper.

The ability to go on whenever you want, but only when the teacher is in the room

the power of having 4 stomachs and being able to digest grass

The ability to survive without an apendix.

to change what time it is 1 time per week

the power to hear whats going on in your ear

The power to turn cake into poop.

power to see through glass doors

The power to change to justin biber

the power to sneeze cum

The power to feel lustful when watching My Little Pony Clopfic.

The power to look like another person, but only if the other person is uglier

The power to produce 5 times the normal amount of ball sweat.

The power to hate/love/care about me because of who I am. Moral: Relax dear friends (you other fools relax too) I was born this way, and I love every second of it, I am on fire and this workout gives me so damn much pheromones and testosterone that I am gonna invite a cute friend and have a damn threesome! Why, because its a mans world... never forget that kids...

The power to make a child in Africa die of starvation every time you sneeze

The power to move in slow motion whenever running away from danger. Moral: Hilarious! XD

The power to survive a car crash only if it's between 9 and 9.30 am.

The power to never be hungry for five minutes after you eat.

The power to stretch your tounge but it can only curve in a way that it only get inside your anus.

The power to emit a password protected wi-fi signal, but only while you sleep.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!