The Power of cheese

The ability to understand women!!

The power to piss lava.

the power for you skin to be invisible...........but not your, muscles, or bones, or blood, or brain, or hair, or nails.....

The superpower wasting your time wachting a video that is pointless

the ability to think of pointless superpowers

the power to have sex with any women you want. with your whole family watching

The power to shit a blue agressive monkey.

The power to flush the toilet in the opposite direction.

The power to keep getting fat no matter how little you eat.

The power to pee from your eyes

the power to go thru time by just seeing a watch when your going back where you started.

The power to see into the future and past but not remember any of it.

The power to switch gender identity

the power of turning into a sheep when ever you are in a fight

The power to erase stupid blogs or comments

The power to do anything for love, but not "that".

The power of eating but only when you're dead

the power of becoming a ginger.

the power to have no one read this post

The ability to transform escalators into stairs.

The power to turn food into human waste.

The power to fall unconscious at will.

The power to turn time back... To the point where you turned it back.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!