The power to be really angry, all the time, for no actual reason.

The power to think of any superpower but not have it

The power to fly but only when your feet are touching the ground.

the power to win any video game with your feet but only when intoxicated

To stab Djones

The power to turn any traffic light and crosswalk sign from red to green but only when your eyes are closed.

The ability to talk to fish while in the desert.

The power to run in an endless circle

The power to make your family act like total rednecks but only in front of your girl/boyfriend.

The power to know WTF is going on

The power to change the color of the hair on your right buttocks to any color that starts with B.

The ability to undo anybody's bra with your mind, but only when its not being worn.

the power to laugh at something that isn't even funny

The power to jump and fly for 1 second.

the power to have anything you touch turn into a creative homeless guy (pirate)

The power to turn into a piece of paper for five seconds

The ability to make someone love you but only if they are heavier than 300kg

the power to say funny joke, but only deaf people can hear it.

The power to to do the boogy dance when ants go up your pants.

The ability to travel back in time, but always five minutes after you can be of any use to anyone.

The power to turn into a block of cheese

The power to be invulnerable as long as you are dead.

The power to lick your own back...

the power two float in the air for three seconds but only when you fell of a cliff - jesse

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!