The power to misspell when tyring to spell qukcily

the power to have a dick in the box

The power to read the future in a language you will never learn to understand. Moral: I read that "thy comment expects a billion red thumbs"... WTF does that mean?

The ability to become invisible when noone is looking at you.

The power of love

The power to get an A+ on every test- but you need to study for 5 hours or so ahead of time

the power to have diarrhea at any time

The ability to read the recaptcha images

The power to turn grow a vagina that can whistle on your neck during a full moon.

the power to find a websites that shows you pointless superpowers...

the power of spontaneous combustion but only when you get an erection

ability to say a new letter anywone can say that

beeing the dragonborn, when there are no dragons....

The power to speak in only anime openings

The power to think of witty comebacks 3 days too late

The power to know the end of every movie ever.

the power to go "heh heheh heh perverted"

The power to be on facebook and do homework at the same time

The power to not do it.

Immunity to everything, except diseases that cause death.

A book on how to solve a paradix

The power to live until you die.

The power to think of food

To be small u could be step on because no one can hearu

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!