The power of the most useless power and have that power.

the ability to draw spectacular things but only with invisible ink.

The power to make people extremely happy as soon as you die.

The power to read your own mind.

The power to not be killed by anything that can't kill you.

The power to cry sulfuric acid.

The power to become a frog when a snake sees you

The power of having two left hands.

The power to stand in line at the DMV with a smile on your face.

The power to look super sexy, but only in pitch black darkness.

The power to transform into yourself.

The power to never need to eat, unless you are hungry.

The power to make coma patients bark.

The power to be number one, unless someone was better than you.

The superpower to detect when someone is racist.

The power to grow the pinky nail of your right hand

The power to be born again

The power to be dead

The power to have bought Wi-Fi, without any pc or cellphone to use it.

the power to emit free wifi which the signal strength varies by your erection.

The power to have super human strength but only when sleep walking.

The ability to stub your toe on every object near you when walking.

The power to set yourself on fire but be immune to flames

The power to extend your pinky toe

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!