The power to produce a hand vacuum from your belly button that only sucks up lint for your belly button

See the answers to any question inside your head while suffering from severe dyslexia.

The power to be the strongest person on earth when no-one else is on earth.

The power to change your hair's color to white when you're old.

The power to invent things as soon as you see them

the ability to talk to humans

The power to eat 100kgs of ice cream and only get type 2 diabetes

The power to stretch infinitely, but you cant return to your normal state.

The power to have Pauly D haircut while being a dumbass.

The power to ?-1.

The power to make up a pointless superpower because you are to lazy to make up a good one

The power to switch any physical traits with your own reflection in the mirror.

The power of learning

The abilty to change what your hair smells like every two years

The power to be powerless

the power of fart helium

The power to f-ck every girl in the world, read it carefully EVERY girl in the world...

The power to shit on the ceiling

the power to get a free game but can't play it.

The power to put up with your in-laws.

The ability to kill anyone, only if he/she is your close friend.

The ability to kill someone with your mind. But by doing so, you also die.

The power to laugh when you tickle your feet

The power to get foot-boners

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!