The power to ejaculate

The ability to hear people's thoughts after they've already said them.

The power of temporary invincibility but you have to kill yourself first

you are immortal, but only while rubbing your mothers feet.

The power to fly for 2 seconds when jumping

The ability to break the fourth wall. Thank you for reading this pointless super power, please like it.

the power to be a fury............-_-

The power to play all Videogames you want, but you have to pay the original price for them.

The power to accept the terms and conditions

Radiation resistance inversely proportional to the amount of radiation around you.

Being able to not go to the bathroom...when you have to!

The power to complete the jigsaw puzzle that you got bored of because it was to hard and now its in the box and covered in dust

The ability to have superman's powers and weaknesses, but have an 100% chance to have a suit made of indestructible kryptonite.

The power to shoot rainbows out of your elbows but consequently having your skin fall off

the ability to hold your breath for ever while being on land

The "helpers" you call during emergencies when they where new and a itsy bit unorganized... misunderstandings easily showed up part 1: The Firemen: Why the hell did you call us if this place is already on fire? Call the damn Watermen THEN! The Watermen: Sorry we only receive calls and help people that are drowning, try the Firemen or something... The Cops: Crime in the city? Sorry our work is to COP OUT of stuff, Try the Police or something...

The power to do a wheelie on. Unicycle

power to fly...backwards.

anything Aquaman does

The astounding ability to lay eggs instead of give birth.

The ability to walk backwards... backwards.

The power to turn 85 in 85 years.

power to be the best theif ever known to man but only if your in the most high tech prison

The power to deep throat a giraffe!

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!