The power to get a huge penis with an erectile disfunction

the power to suddenly become extremely tired when you realise you have a task due

The Power to think of a better superpower you could have chosen

The power to glow while under the sun

All of Superman's powers except instead of Kryptonite your weakness is water

The ability to quit smoking by giving yourself lung, heart, and throat cancer, coupled with enphysema.

The power to come up with the most funny joke ever made but forget the punch-line when ever you try to tell someone.

The power to walk into Mordor.

The power to give epilepsy to hamsters.

The power to fly for 2 seconds when jumping

The power to pick thing up with your feet

The power to do anything else but worship me. Moral: I DEMAND SATISFACTION! I mean I dont need it, I just want you to do something useful with your life for once... That practically makes me into a saint... Aww.... Steve Jobs No More... LOOOOOOOLLLIPOP!

the power to imagine any women naked...but only as an octogenerian

the power to not fall in love with someone while you're dating someone else.

The ability to see into the present.

the power to eat air when you could do something creative.

The power to Rage Against The Machine

Power to give birth through your penis.

The power to produce fingernails at will that people can eat.

The power to let 100 cockroaches crawl upon you for everytime you display emotion

The power to save all that time your new fast boil kettle has saved you

a healing factor that can heal paper cuts in 2hours

The power to be an ugly barnacle who is so ugly that everyone dies.

The power to fly, but only when pigs do

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!