The power to revert to a six year old and teleport to the closest pedophile guild

The ability to laugh at migits at inapropriet times.

The power to teleport yourself to the nearest exit location.

The power to understand a joke 30 seconds later after the last person in the group did it.

The power to give anybody the finger - except the person you're mad at.

The power to summon your mom so you can prove she's not as fat as the chav in front of you is saying she is

the ability to tell what some last ate smelling their farts

The power to give this suggestion a thubs up rating.

The power to fly for 2 seconds when jumping

Radiation resistance inversely proportional to the amount of radiation around you.

The Power to rot you favorite food by looking at it

you have the power to se anything and everything in the entire universe, but only if you are blind.

the power to tolerate alex simpson

The power for everyone to believe you, but only if you are telling the truth.

The power to heal but every time you heal your leg or arm falls off.

the power to fly, but only when you are in a plane that is already flying. inflight flight


The power to live through a Twilight movie.

The power to get cancer all the time. And strokes.

You might not GET super power, but you can get some super bonus. Get free rides with Lyft, (only new passengers). Use Lyft official code "IAMLUCKY" to get $50 up to $200 in ride credits. Now thats like a little superpower, you get to teleport from one place to other for free with Lyft. Get some super bonus until you really ever get a super power ;-)

The power to fly only 5mm above the ground.

The power to not go to wor unless it's a work day and to not fell pain unless you get hurt.

See through invisible people

The power to fly, but only when pigs do

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!