to create balloons out of anywhere on your body, and twist them into whatever you look at.

The power to be the most amazing singer in the world, but only when nobody can hear you.

The power to travel to a parallel universe where everyone who exists dies every .1 milliseconds.

The power to orgasm every five.. UGGHOOOAAHAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The power to shape-shift into a chair, but only a chair

The power to shorten your lifespan by 10 seconds.

to transform into a middle aged woman to fondle with your own tits(every mans dream)

The power to see oxygen.

The power to not get shit dick

The power to see through glass

The power to shoot rainbows out of your dick, the rainbows can pwn anyone if you smoked crack before using this power

The power drown in water

The power of HONOR AND LOVE! Moral: it wont make you honorable, or lovable by the way.

The power to slightly disfigure anything made out of macaroni.

The ability to hear the opinions of inanimate objects.

The power to breathe underwater but only if you are dry.

The power to random things that you touch into the same thing but a different color

The powers to know every martial art ever when your neck is broken.

the power to consume yourself and use it as food (dosn't remove pain and will cause medical condisions)

The power to have super hearing but only works when you are dead.

The power to erase your own existence.

The power to know the word for potato in every human language... including binary (011100000110111101110100011000010111010001101111)

The power to kill anyone who is 4 seconds away from certain death

The power to make everyone think that having no power is the ultimate power so everyone thinks they're powerful when they realize they have no powers but you have one so you win

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!