The power to block Chuck Norris' roundhose. it's pointless because everyone knows that nobody can block Chuck Norris' roundhouse kick.

the power to glow fainlty in broad daylight

The power to touch an object and tell exaclty how many asians it took to make that object.

The power to recognize a Jackson Pollock painting from blobs of paint.

The power to fly... but you are a paralytic

The power to make every word a people says in the room with you into pizza.

The power to predict the past.

the power 2 grow a beard but only immeadlantly after shaving

The ability to know when your girlfriend/boyfriend is cheating on you.....1 month after you break up.

The power to have a perfect wipe every time you take a poop.

The power to have all of Aquaman's powers, but not be able to swim.

The power to annoy people everyday.

The power to write pointless power.

The power to audition for X-Factor with no fear, but only if you punch your freind.

the ability to only fart in crowded rooms

The power to read dead people's minds

The power to talk to animals. Especially when you tell your friend to dress like one.

The ability to attract black people.

the power to fit through a vagina

The power to be invisible to bartenders.

The power to eat just one Lays potato chip

The ability to walk on the white tiles at the supermarket.

The power to always be wearing clean underwear except in the event you're in a car accident...

The power to guess a multiple choice answer correctly some of the time.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!