solar powered night-vision

The power to be born on the same day as your birthday.

The power to poop and pee at the same time

The power to be really bad at math.

The power to post hundreds of pointless superpowers in minutes. Moral: It is always fun to see another person`s comment between mine with zero thumbs, while mine always keep the excellent two thumb quality! Lesser man would say thank you... I say you are welcome everybody ;) (A moral man original, because someone needs the balls of steel required to see things how they really are)

The power to fluently speak all languages of the world but only when you are sleeping.

The power to ride a bike

The power to find hiding spots quicker... like anne frank and osama bin ladin

the power to die on command

The power to make Justin Beiber come out of the closet.

The power to start time only when it's on.

The power to look really cool when sitting in a chair when nobody's looking at you

the power to fall off of a cliff and live... in hell

The Power to make Anyone's Teeth Clean...

the ability to not get pregnant when you get raped

The power to remember every moment of your suckish life

the power to move things with your mind in your imagination

The power to convert any Catholic priest into a pedophile.

The power to remember a song's name, but you forget when you want to search, write down, or talk about it.

The power to exist

The power to kill yourself with your mind.

the power to make to much coffee

The power to recite 1,000 digits of pie, but only when you need to say the Fibonacci sequence

The power to live.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!