the power to die when you breath oxygen

The power to be too lazy to finish your own sente

The power to possess every pointless superpower and be tasked with saving the world.

The power to uncontrollably make your clothes dissapear and only in church.

The ability to punch someone in the face and not feel it.

The power to wear your shirt backwards all day.

The power to take your groceries from your car to your house in two trips or less.

The power to play a flute with your ass

the power to create bad superpowers

The power to be immune to everything except for bears, beets, and Battlestar Galactica

The power to read all these post's in less then a day

The power to let anything you eat taste like sh*t

the power to jump 10x higher, but are affected by gravity 10x greater

The power to push any muffin button, but u get no muffins

The power to fly, but only while your feet are touching the ground.

the power to erase your memory ffrom the last five seconds... but only if you are having a seizure

The power to see John Cena.

The power to pull down pants and have a boner 24-7.

The power to appear in the center of the moon (in a hollow space) whenever you die.

Your average Axel entering a Phone Booth and coming out as... MORAL MAN! Moral: Where the damn do you find a Phone booth nowadays?

the power to create your own real working money but you cannot spend it

The power to lick your elbow if it is coated with butter at exactly 36 degrees Celsius.

The power to have a black president

The power to sing better then anyone in the world, but only in the presence of the deaf.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!