The power to be able to walk .00000002 times faster whenever you want

the power of superspeed but only backwards

The power to eat broken glass and shit windows.

Having the ability to get Bulimia by looking at yourself in the mirror.

The power to throw fire out of your hands but at the same time burn your hands.

The power to make your penis able to go through any nown material in the universe even a dwarf star. However it is 1000x more sensitive to pain than normal. And once you start you can't stop until it's trough.

The power to taste anything you look at, except for food. Nothing edible counts...

The ability to transform into anything... gradually, over the course of a week.

The power to like any show

The ability to always be fashionable late

The power to come second in any race

The power to melt ice into hot ice

The ability to make everything on you invisible, exept yourself

The power to learn only at school.

The power to zoom in with your eyes, but only when looking to the sun.

The power to have an endless amount of bladder space, but you are born lacking the ability to urinate.

The ability to go on whenever you want, but only when the teacher is in the room

The power to always fart at the most inappropriate time

the power to shrink to 1 inch but only in a crowded street and you cant look up girls dresses,

The power to type: Hey if you wanna read funny "superpewers", then you have come to the right place! Just follow the trail of The moral man so he can stay in the middle the place where nobody looks or gives a sh... you know what? Dont thumb me, Moral man wants to stay down here rather than stuck in the middle of nowhere. Moral: If telling people to read more pointless superpowers at the "newest" superpowers, isnt pointless, then that would mean that this whole "pointless superpowers section is really meaningful... which by itself is meaningless... WIN!

*The power to fall, but only when you trip.

The power to make coins appear behind people's ears.

The power to run the fastest when everyone in the world is standing still

the power to waste time doing stupid stuff like reading this.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!