the superpower to turn into a chicken in a processing plant

Change the outcome of Disney movies 3 years before they come out.

The power to grow your nose hair out to one hundred times its normal length.

The power to do back flips whenever you want to but only in your mind.

the power to sing like an angel... but only if the song is "friday" or "baby"

The power of 12% levetation

Delayed Reaction Man

The ability to be blind, deaf, and mute at will.

The power to escape reality by entering the magical land of skyrim via your PS3.

The SuperPower To Have No SuperPowers

The power to die at any moment you want.

The power to drink alcohol without getting drunk.

The ability to change your weight

The power to be a superhero when you rage that has the power of controlling yourself.

the power to have diarrhea at any time

The power to fly..........Delta Airlines.


The power to kill yourself just by thinking about something.

the power to speak bulagrian for 28 sec every 37 day

the power to sit down BUT you have to sit down for ever

The ability to read the recaptcha images

The power to die at will

The power to transform yourself into a door.

The power to have any game you want for PS3 or Xbox 360, but only own a Nintendo 64.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!