The power to eat just 1 Lays potato chip

the power to have an idea..

The ability to be blind, deaf, and mute at will.

The power to fart rainbows

the power make tomatoes turn green.

the power to sing like an angel... but only if the song is "friday" or "baby"

the power to fly but only if you keep both feet firmly on the ground

Delayed Reaction Man

The ability to breath underwater but loses the ability to breath normally forever

The power to say WACKY WAVING INFLATABLE ARM FLAILING TUBE MAN - but only at peoples funerals or when taking a piss (but you uncontrolably flail your arms).

The SuperPower To Have No SuperPowers

the ability to manually control your breathing

The power to die at any moment you want.

The power to walk through walls, but get stuck half way!

the power to see the things that are happening right

The power to make doughnuts rapidly advance in age

The power to be invisible, when no cameras or people are looking.

The ability to be a plonk and post 'Pointless Super Powers' that aren't pointless and are could actually be quite useful.

The power to change lemonade into lemons.

the power to make ur fingernails fall and the go into a coma when someone says hello.

The power to accidently find all spoilers online before you watch a film or an episode of a series.

The Power to believe you have superpowers

Ability to be Austin Calhoun when hes sick

The power to walk 1% faster.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!