what do you call someone who never says hello............................ a shy person

The power to make your nose blink.

The power to take my legs off the floor while in a sitting position.

The superpower to realize that if you guys thumb my former comment up, then it is no longer a useless "superpower" and would by itself contradict uh... itself.. by being useful... Moral: Hey, turning into Beiber at will is useful for banging silly young chicks at will is it not? And I will rather bang brainless women (beliebers yes I mean you, because everyone deserves some love) Disclaimer: Sexual age of consent is 16 over here, and good luck calling a whole nation for pedophiles, nope girls simply mature faster here... Fact: Above.

the power to absorb other superpower, but no one have superpower

The power to make whatever it is you see and/or think about into cotton candy.

The power to teleport randomly anywhere on the planet, once every hour

The ability to produce a nickle each time you smack you`re face on any hard surface so hard you break at least 6 bones.

The power to not be able to laugh at good jokes and always have to laugh at the bad ones.

the ability to type slower.

The power to fart tear gas

The power to change your reflection in a mirror, but only you have the power to see said altered reflection.

The power to turn into a koi fish... but only when there is no water around.

Ladder hands.

The ability to be completely bullet-proof as long as a bullet never hits you.

The power to be skillful at everything but only while asleep.

The ability to abruptly end conversations.

The pointless superpower to miss moral man. He was a dick.

The power to act like Tommy Wiseau

the power to walk through any wall BUT the walls of the room you're in.

The power to make a white paper green but only with a colored pencil

The power to uncontrollably say "thats what she said" whenever it is possible, even if its really shitty

Superhuman strength and endurance but only when sleeping

the power to remember th...

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!