the power to follow "photocation" on instagram.. its worthless but who gives a *#$%^ !!!

the power to write only the letter R

The power to be so fast, that if you sprint forward you travel the whole world just in time to fuck yourself.

The ability to morph into someone else's left butt cheek

Perfect recall of every episode of Teletubies

The power to chew on chicken heads without breaking your teeth.

North Korea's Nuclear missile program.

The power to know if someone in China eats Rice

The power to eat three times a day.

The ability to see through clear, colorless glass.

The power to glow in the dark, but only during the day..

The power to time-travel to the moment you die.

Super Arians. Moral: If you think of it, Super Sayan is an acronym for Super Asian, are blonde blue eyed Asians superiors? DRAGON BALL JAPANAZEE!

The power to know what happens in a film seconds before watching it.

The power to gain 400 pounds in 400 seconds.

The power to grow nipples all over your body at will

The power to fly during a point in time when all humans are able to fly.

The power to shoot webs, but only out of your ass

The power to jump inside the TV, but only when the screen is removed

The power to sneeze out of your mouth and cough out of your nose.

the power make the left half of your body invisible.

The ability to heat up an object by 1 degree for every week you hold it.

The power to buy "I cant believe its not butter" and turn the damn thing into real butter.

The ability to forget what your saying every 3 seco- what was I saying again?

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!