The ability to enter the gender's changing room with no one noticing but losing the ability to see and feel.

The power to vote for Hillary Clinton and be happy with the decision that you made.

Reversed telepathy, everyone can hear your thoughts.

the power to always hug people

The power to think of a good super power right now.

the power to learn literature(in school) before the Bagrut exam

The power to repeat everything you say twice. The power to repeat everything you say twice.

The power to know what someone thought, after they told you.

The power to die

The ability to breath in a complete vacuum, but not anywhere else

The ability to print random memes on their tongue, but it has to be one that everyone in the room has seen before.

the ability to only eat chocolate in months that do not have an "r" in them.

The Power to make 0 dollar bills.

The ability to create bruises on your body but not know where they came from, and then poke them.-.Jack

The power to attract cats but be allergic to them

The power to have every superpower ever (including pointless ones) for one second every full moon, then have every pointless one for the rest of the time.

The power to see in only one random color everyday.

the passive ability to teleport to the center of the world every tenth of a second

The power to cause weeds to grow twice as fast as usual in your bed of prized petunias.

The power to eat the booty like a poor person's groceries

Power that makes you perfect in being useless

The power to give yourself a migraine at will.

The power to see in the dark, unless your awake.

The power of omniscience but it causes a near fatal heart attack every time you think.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!