Super strength, but the only thing it affects is feathers.

the power of being cut off mid senta

The power to take a s*** on people

The Power of cheese

The power to wear comfortably wear shoes that are way too small.

turn green traffic light in red but only on your road

The Ability To Stop Existing Only When You Already Don't Exist

The ability to see through clothes......but only the clothes your wearing.

The power to drink water and pee immediately.

The power to both love and hate marmite.

the power to feel extreme pain

Power To Throw Power Booger In Every 5 Seconds

The power to get extreme diarrhea and projectile vomiting at aany time.

the power to turn into a narwhal. Once. At your grandmother's funeral

The ability to see the future but only when you are in the past.

The power to lose your genitals when you masturbate or have sex

The power of shrinking your own anus to subatomic size.

Alzheimers man, the ability to show up where you are needed but forget why you are there in the first place

The power to have superhuman strength. But I have to jack off to do so.

The power to turn apples into pears

The power of laser pointer vision.

The power to eat broken glass and shit windows.

The power to kill anything you touch, but only when touching adorable puppies.

The power of laser vision only while eating Oscar Mayer hot dogs.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!