The power to divide by zero

The power to make you teeth yellower

The ability to know what time it is, but only when you have a watch on.

The power to breathe

the power to eat only one lays potato chip

The power to wink really fast.

The power to come up with a pointless superpower besides this one

the power to always do your homework but never turn it in to the teacher.... RESULTS=failure

The power to lick your elbow.

The power to remember everything then forgetting it 10 seconds later.

The Power Of being Overly Generous in Bad Situations.

The power to not get sun burnt when the sun's out

The power of getting aroused when someone rubs your kneecaps.

The power to speak in languages that no one around you understands.

Having super strength, But only when you're asleep.

the power to fail

Walk on water, swim in land!

The ability to see through glass

The power to be stupid

The superpower of surviving a gunshot, if properly attended in a hospital afterwards.

The power to be a mistborn but only if you're on Scadrial.

Crap out everything you're allergic too

The power to look really cool when sitting in a chair when nobody's looking at you

The ability to crap out acid once every month.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!