The power to have explosive diarrhea involuntarily but only on dinners with your date and his/her parents.

The power to swear if you do not believe in a God. Moral: Meh... if I post anything against God here you guys will thumb me down and that matters... it matters so much that I will use the section over to shit talk God... yeah... thumb me down already fearing zealots... show me your true power (being Gods bitches) now that is pointless power!

The power to fart to inside. By mouth.

To have the ability to piss off the police

The power to solve any mathematical question, but getting frozen immediately, and forget everything when melted out.

The power to not be funny

the power to sleep with any woman, unless your a man

The power to always have the exact amount of money in your pocket when buying something, but then drop and lose a dime when the money over.

The power to be a woman

The power to turn trollface by yelling "TROLLFACE ACTIVATE!" You can turn human-face again by yelling "XYGNEFAGINTHYCHRSICXAIOXJIEHJFEIHFIGHEÅÆELFKEÆKFÆEFKEÆAKFÆEAFKÆAFKEÆAFKOÆEFOKEÆFKAÆEA" For a year in exact correct spelling/pronunciation.

The power to instantly reduce the sales price of an item to ten percent of the original but you must buy at least ten.

The power to become allmighty and imortal, all you need to do is to touch either Kryptonite, or adamantium.

The power to menstruate from your eyes.

The power to absorb energy wavelengths, in the visible light spectrum, from objects and create a mental picture of the shape and color of the objects they reflected off of.

From this site`s standard... me typing this is a superpower, you reading this is a pointless superpower, and so is the superpower to HANDLE THE TRUTH! Moral: I still CANT HANDLE THE TRUTH! Well actually I can but I got hit with the pointless superpower below somewhere... Moral: For moral man it is better with one Moral too many than one moral too much... and if yu disagree YOU CANT HANDLE THE TRUTH!

The power to perform incredible feats of strength and speed but only while on an elevator.

The power to poop without wiping

The power to fart get a 10 inch but only at your moms house

The power to have any power when they are completely pointless to have.

The ability to turn any escalator into a flight of stairs.

THE POWER TO INSERT *X**A**S***S***E* TO YOUR MONITOR . Captcha; Kick your Heels

The power to look through really thin glas without any view obstruction.

The power to seduce any woman... that weighs over 300 pounds.

The power to die on command.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!