The useless power to write about useless powers...

The power to be still until moving or being touched.

the ability to fly- but only indoors

The power to drink an entire bottle of soy suase without dieing

The power to fly but only when your in space.


The ability to smell colors

The power to be socially impenetrive.

The power to make condoms out of pizza dough.

the power to know when it isn't either 4 or 9 o'clock.

Ability to make your eyes switch sockets

The power to open shampoo and conditioner bottles by blinking.

the power to read word that are the right way up upside down, but not read words that are upside down the right way up

The power to freeze time but you would also be frozen. Basically dooming everyone to be frozen in time with no way of getting out. No one would even know about it but it will happen.

The power to shit bricks, uncontrollably.

The power to commit geniocide but only of you own race

The power to fly inside of airplanes

The power to turn into a potato banana hybrid.

The power to see 3-D movies in 2-D.

The power to not exercise.

Doing a handstand with your feet

The superpower to speak and write a language that only you know.

the power to read something without looking at it

Be as cool as Julien Roby who go outside without is coat during winter

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!