The power to microwave bread

The power to mind control inanimate objects.

the power to turn into the hardest material in the whole of space but while in that mode you cant move

The power to die at will, and you can only do it once.

The power to sing at an uncontrollably high level, but not have the ability to dodge a water bottle

The power to have the strength of 50 old people

The ability to unbleep swear words on your tv.

The power to change the color of your saliva.

the power to eat waffles

The power to have tastebuds inside your ass.

The ability to orgasm every time you speak.

The ability to create one iron nail. The power can only be used at 12:45 P:M every five days, and will only work if the nail you created previously has been destroyed and/or broken down to a state in which it would be unusable as a typical nail.

The power to be stupid reading this.

The ability to fly but only if you're on the ground

The power to glow in rooms with reddish purple walls

The power to take offence to anything said or done like it matters...

The power to eat gumbo with a fork.

The power to die whenever you fall asleep

The power to teleport to the place of where you are

The power to make any glass of water into milk

The power to eat as many ice cubes as you want without getting a brain freeze.

Being able to temporarily lift 10x what you can typically lift while simultaneously having the power that everything you touch immediately becomes 10x heavier.

The Power to touch MC Hammer

The power to have a invisible boat mobile

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!