The power to die at will

The power to spend your life doing things that are totally pointless

The power to peel stickers

the ability to only do pointless things.

The ability to leap off buildings with a single bound.

The power to fly, but only when standing on ground...

The power to strap a bomb on your chest, walk into a crowded area, and detonate it

The power to eat soap.

The ability to cause spiders to unpredictably materialize on your body, but only when you're sleeping or otherwise unaware of your surroundings.

the power to troll people that are dead

The power to do EVERYTHING backwards

the power to time travel 1sec to the past every 1 day

The power to be invincible to every thing but fire water tornadoes bullets explosions guns knifed blades swords grenades sticks pointy objects disease infections sicknesses flu illness natural disasters accidents cars busses planes vehicles trucks lightning electricity meteors bombs rockets drugs addiction peer pressure starvation tiredness torture pain monkeys any sort of animal heat radio active waves radiation humans air pollution baseball bats food poisoning and insects.

The power to jump 0.23cm higher than normal.

The power to have sex with anyone, but only if they are older than 65

The power to be able to get up 11.5% quicker than the average perosn

The power to fart shamelessly on the first date.

The power to turn acute triangles into equilateral triangles.

The power to talk to dust

The ability to make all the world's coffee lukewarm.

The power to stop writing stupid shit on the internet.

To have the ability to trip over your own "meat curtains" at will and make it look graceful... somehow.

The power to change the colour of your right index finger

The power to teleport anywhere you want, but you need another guy with the same power.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!