the power to fly for a second

The power to make toast but only when it has bread in it and it's turned on.

The power to run faster than a bunny but slower than a turtle

The power to flush the toilet in the opposite direction.

The ability to always be fashionable late

The power to see Waldo everywhere you look, unless your looking at his books

The ability to smell with your hands

The power to give super powers to others, but only to people you don't like.

The power to make light.....with a flashlight

The power to cry acid tears

The power to recite 1,000 digits of pie, but only when you need to say the Fibonacci sequence

The power of flight but only during thunderstorms

The power to greatly enlarge your penis only if you are presenting.

the powr to reed thiss befor you relisze the that thiss peersoon is retarded

The power to emit a password protected wi-fi signal, but only while you sleep.

the power to

the power to use "YOLO" as an excuse to do retarded things

the power to imagine everybody with underpants while your nervous but it only happens in your dreams

the power to recognize "woman rights".

The power to thumb ME down! Moral: Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you do-own...

The power to see through air

The power to become CHUCK NORRIS! (if you are a teen) Which by activation you realize he is just a mediocre actor... and worst... over 70 years of age...

The power to speak in cursive

the ability to digest any food easily

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!