The ability to generate bellybutton lint at will.

Ability to emit a low-level light, but only when standing near a candle.

The ability to sh*t actual bricks.

the power to catch em' all

the power to make an earthquake that an ant can not even feel

The power to make an apple you're holding taste delicious, but only for other people

The ability to laugh one's ass off.

The ability to select which ad you want to be shown on any website, but only once per day.

The ability to simultaneously implode and explode.

The ability to shoot guns, but the guns have to have no ammo to shoot.

The power to sense if an object is sharp.

the power to be powerless

The power to do a hand stand with your feet

the power of the Anti-petter gun, which fires bullshit over the moon.

the power to say no to only dates with hot girls(your a strait male)

The power to read people's minds, but in a language you don't understand.

The power to see other peoples dreams.

The power to take my legs off the floor while in a sitting position.

the power to make hate films against Islam... theres no space for bigots and jerks on this Earth.

Th powr to typ th 5th lttr.

The power to light little sticks on fire by rubbing them quickly on the box they came in.

The power of speaking every laguage on earth, but to know only one word in your entire life.

The power of christ ;)

The power to look through really thin glas without any view obstruction.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!