Power to not have any power.

The ability to not slip on banana peels

The power to eat razorblades, but only when covered in a mixture of antifreeze, bile and tabasco sauce.

The power to increase you`re pain at will.

Acid tears.

Being able to fly.... in the water.

The power to tell people that you have been "gifted" with a pointless superpower.

the power to see through windows.;.

The ability to give yourself any super power, but you cannot use it if it is used.

The power to teleport yourself anywhere you want except for your major organs.

the power to fly but only 5 feet off the ground and at walking speed.

The power to kill anyone by hitting them gently on the forehead by yelling "I HIT THIS VICTIM REALLY HARD! I AM A MURDERER HAW HAW HAW! At least 2 times before, then 3 times after the deed.

The ability to generate bellybutton lint at will.

the power to make an earthquake that an ant can not even feel

The power to beat up anyone but only if u sneeze first

The power to wiggle your big toe whenever you have a car accident with a baby gorilla on the passenger seat every other Thursday of every other leap year.

The ability to propel yourself and others away from you by sneezing.

The power of not knowing the future

the power to any ugly person love you.

The power to ejaculate out of your ears once daily

The power to become sick only to spread it to your enemy but you can't stop being sick until you have treatment.

The power to make your boss s**t his pants during staff meetings

The ability to recall lyrics of particularly terrible music with perfect accuracy.

The power to absorb energy wavelengths, in the visible light spectrum, from objects and create a mental picture of the shape and color of the objects they reflected off of.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!