The power to push "pull" doors

The immeasurable power to thumb this up all the way to the top... or even at all... I mean thumbing it down makes a lot more sense... then again this is pointless as hell ;D Richter : Hydro Storm! Rain: KSSSSHHH!!!! Dracula: Ugh agh ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh... Ahh!! Iiiiyoouu!! Play time's over, grant me powweeeeeeerrrrrraaaaaaahhh!!! Richter: Hydro Storm! Rain: KSSSSSSSSHHHH!!!!! Fire burning Dracula: Chug chug chug chug chug! Dracula: No, this cannot be!!! AAAAAAHHHH!!! Fire burning the picture: Tugshung, gshung, gshung!gh... Moral: Now I am just screwing around, I recently played an dusty old game Called Castlevania: Symphony of the night... best game ever...

the ability to know if a video game sucks just by looking at the name

PATTIES THAT ARE SUPPOSEDLY READY TO EAT, BUT COVERED IN STICKY HARDENED FAT! Moral: Damn greasy hand surprise! I was going all victoly on guilty gear XXX

the power to get fat in America

the power to have a pointless superpower

The power to make your breath smell like vanilla at will.

The power to use successfuly Splash Attack irl.

The power to disappear only when you're about to have sex.

The power to teleport but you must have walked to that place within the last attosecond

the power to put your shoes on faster than you did before

The ability to fly away, but there is a 99.99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% chance that you will get hit by a plane while taking off.

The Power To Fly Without control

The power to not see the troll dude in the Pointless Superpowers logo raping the words 'Pointless Superpowers'

The power to grow your pinkie toe to ten times its actual length, but only while your shoes are on.

the power to fly, but be naturally attracted to airplanes.

The power to like Justin Bieber

The power to make every single person in the world hate you and want you dead.

The involuntary power (or rather compulsion) to add "collectors edition" to everything you ever give or sell or buy. "Old bike, but in perfect condition: Collectors edition" "Hi I am selling my body "Collectors edition" "Sadly I am allergic to my German shepherd: "Collectors edition" so I have to give it away." "Hi excuse me, where do I find the "collectors edition" Milk in this store? Eh? No any kind of "collectors edition Milk is fine" Sigh... What I mean is...

The ability to summon a used cottonbud once in your life

the power to be 100% pointless

The capability to draw penises very well

The power to shrink without the power to return to normal size

The power to be reading this when you can WORSHIP ME! Moral: You love me, I love me, we all win! Now, bring forth thy sacrifices, women, gold, diamonds, women, more women, yeah... And if you are a woman, you can come many many times with me...

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!