The power to get foot-boners

The power to have magnetic eyeballs.

The ability to be able to slide down a blade naked using your balls as breaks

The power to take a s*** on people

The ability to understand what a drunk Scottish man is saying, but only in the non-drinking bar.

The power to see white objects in off white.

The power to get you`re dick stuck to a huge, heavy metal bar no one can lift nor move, either you stay there till you die, or you grab a knife and...

the power to make music for deaf people

The ability to not get sunburn, but only at night.

The power to sleep if your not awake

The power to foresee events, one yoctosecond before it happens

the power to make sillet bang remove stains from shirts


The power to divide by 0

X-Ray vision that only works on fat chicks.

The power to shit dirt!

The power to see what's behind you.

Having the power of a normal human

power to fly when your underwater

The power to only sit down and not stand up.

The power to spontaneous combust on the third Wednesday of October.

Having a 5 second eidetic memory

the power to breath fire but only on days that don't end in Y.

The power to control dodos

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!