The pewer to mistype the power, this time in non reverse.

The power to understand that if you type or read at this section, then it is probably because it means something to you... Moral: That is almost a superpower... I mean wow pointless makes a point which is pointless, and a pointless point with a point is... anyway I just divided by infinite loop. Cant say that is far away from zero which by itself is basically a circle... Damn im good! (just for that final line im gonna get thumbed down, its worth it though.

The ability to gain more intelligence every second, while whacking your head on a pole, knocking out your brain cells.

Moral man. Moral: I have self irony... which isn't a superpower... neither is being me... But its at least Super pointless and I have the power to do this... SO CLOSE! SO DAMN CLOSE! :(

the power to explain accidents when nobody gives a rats ass anymore

The power to have any guy you want but every time he looks at you you turn more lesbian.

The power to gain 10 pounds whenever you eat something

The power to fly, but only 1 millimeter above the ground, while moving at a speed slower than a snail.

The power to transform your fingers into uncooked hotdogs.

The power to stop reading this. Or the power to live forever but only if you never ate BACON !

The power to be bullet proof (only works on bullets are thrown at you and not fired from a gun)

The power to change your eye color.

The ability to clean

the ability to command watermelons

the power to turn wine into water

The power to not Waste time

The power to be blind when you sleep

The ability to pass gas and have it smell like coffee from Starbucks.

The power to have every single power you can imagine but not able to use any of them

The power to go back in time, but only 1 second back and with a 10 second recharge.

The power to be MAGNETO! And have the power to WELCOME TO DIE! You dare not WELCOME TO DIE? AHAHAH! X-CHICKEN!

the power to ejaculate when a hot girl walks by

The power to uncontrollably go blind

The power to be able to eat food without its taste.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!