The power to touch someone's face while watching rain burn.

the power to smell like shlt shlt.

the ability to constantly have the fever

the ability to touch type but only when you have no hands

to have a limb drop off every day but it grow back the next

The power to fly when your in an airplane

The superpower to poo at will.

the ability to own a computer without a power cord

Cool I just got a free Minecraft gift code at

The power to spell backwards.

ability to fly in a plane

To connect to the Playstation network with your mind! Who would want to?

The power to teleport 10 years into the past just by sneezing. You also become hyper allergic to everything. And of course, you have no way to travel forward...

The power to charge your iPhone if it is not an iPhone


The power to float without gravity.

The ability to fly but only when you touch the ground.

the power of having 4 stomachs and being able to digest grass

The ability to see everything in shades of green

the power to know what time is not

Smell chick peas from over two miles away

The power to make grey spots appear on the wall, but only when u are peeing

The power to pee glass shards, but it still hurts.

The power to shoot lemons out of your urethra.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!