the ability to drive on the hood of the car

The power to have super-sonic hearing, but only in the presence of the mute.

The ability to cry shampoo at will. But it still stings.

The ability to cause spiders to unpredictably materialize on your body, but only when you're sleeping or otherwise unaware of your surroundings.

the power to not have superpowers

the power to eat a ridiculous amount of bagels

The power to be really angry, all the time, for no actual reason.

The superpower to forget to type a moral under the comment below... FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU! Moral: Definition of Pointless Superpower insta-change, interestingly also a pointless superpower... and realizing it is also a pointless super power... life is a pointless super power... (hangs himself) Moral: Two morals just to catch up, and to prove I do not have the pointless super power to type on a computer while hanging myself... which is pointless superpower... etc.. Conclusion: Pointless Superpowers IS POINTLESS! So why would anything here have a point?... Sheesh this is shit is cerebral... another pointle... FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!

The power to like Justin Beiber

The power to blink your eyelids in Morse Code

The power to paint as if you were michelangelo but only if your painting sad clowns eating knives

The power to kick ass and chew bubblegum but be all out of kicks. "sits down chews bubblegum"

The power to read people's minds, but only in the voice of Gilbert Gottfried

The ability to read any language and understand it perfectly but only in pitch black darkness.

The ability to play black ops anytime you want

To sumon a cheeto named bill every time you say cow.

The power to be able to shoot arrows really well...cough.

the power to know what time is not

the power to have the most dangerous but most awesome power in the universe but not know how to use it

When walking down the street, i try to get to a crack in the pavement a few feet ahead of me, and step on it before the next car passes me on the road

the power to allow diet coke to make you fat

the power to listen to music when you have headphones

The power to kill people just by destroying their reflections in a particular mirror that needs to be destroyed into pieces (and can't be reconstructed). Only what's reflected can be destroyed (people, living creatures, etc.). The mirror's 6 foot in height. So basically, you can destroy a giant's leg with it or part of its head (if its head is bigger than the mirror). Anything that gets fully reflected can be killed destroyed completely.

The power to move objects by touching them.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!