The power to control other people's actions... only when you're alone!

the ability to be the owner of a car with no wheels


The power to laugh in the face of danger except for that time you walked face first into a glass door.

The Ability to talk to girls, but only in your mind.

The power to taste and smell colors that arent in existance yet.

Ability to Fly!...a plane


to have the ability to fly and teleport at the same time.

the ability to fly, but only within the confines of an airplane

The power to build a building that is comparable to the sistine chapel, but without doors.

The power to grow cheese but only near a crazy hobo who is lactose intolerant.

the ability to masturbate in front of your grandma

The power to be vice president of the SGA

The power to be 6% fireproof

The power to FLY when you're blind

the power of super strength but being paralyzed when you activate the power

the power to shit bicks

the power to have the power to have the power to have the power to have the power to have the power to have...

the ability to be a box of donuts in a police station

The ability to make your fingernails grow an inch whenever you like, but only on a Tuesday

The power to hear yourself on recording and not think you sound weird

the ability to be invisible when nobodies looking at you

Laser pointer vision.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!