The ability to fly but, if you use it, birds start flocking around you and shitting on you.

to randomly self destruct at any time

the power to find a needle in a haystack


The ability to make cardboard taste slightly less like cardboard.

The power to transform yourself into a door.

The ability to pull Bleach Flavored lighter fluid out of your ass every time you see a modern feminist or a Jacob Satorious video

The power to be stupid reading this.

The power to instantly waste all your money on cheap mango chutney at will.

The ability to turn into a slightly damp sponge

Being able to fly.... in the water.

The power to not burn but only when its under 32 degrees fahrenheit

Acid tears.

The abilty to jump 50m in the air without the abilty to survive long falls

the power to turn into a piece of paper

The power to be fat only when your at a party.

The power of reading the entire terms of service and understand it in less than 10 hrs.

the ability to shoot a little steam cloud from your penis every time you finish peeing

the power to make a site called "pointless superpowers". Y U so pointless!!

The power to whant badly to have kids but you give birth to massive amounts of spiders, ducklings and some undefined type of small feline instead of childen

The power to make muffins appear out of nowhere.

the power to shrink 0.1 millimeter or grow 0.1 millimeter

The power to have superpowers from the beginning

The power to ejaculate out of your ears once daily

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!