the power to understand what kate bush is singing

The power to swim as fast as Sonic The Hedgehog

TyPiNg In LoWeR aNd CaPs To AnNoY oThErS

The ability for your penis to tie itself into a knot.

The power to get hurt without a break.

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The power to fart in public AT WILL..

The power to talk to animals but only as they are attacking you

The power to shape shift, but only into yourself two inches taller.

the ability to turn into justin bieber, but they can only say i like you very much

The power to have bad breath after you brushed your teeth.

The power to teleport yourself into space without a spacesuit on

the power to tolerate all the crap superpowers

The power to walk on water... but drown in land.

The power to dace uncontrolably but not be able to stop...ever

The power to not have any powers

The power of measuring grains of corn from a large distance.

The power to to excrete fluids from your body after digesting food or obtaining liquids

The power to walk on frozen water.

the power to be invisible, but only at night

Everything Hawkeye does

the power to freeze people only when it's cold

The ability to become visible at will.

The Power to bite your own ear.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!