the power of spontaneous combustion but only when you get an erection

The power to know all the answers in the test when the test is over

The power to remove cancer from stroke victim's bodies.

Incredible Slothman. The power to move slowly.

The power to fire lasers from my nipples.

The power to have a poo at your girlfriend's house and be only 22.2% sure that it will flush

The power to know when a painting is crooked but it only works if the painting is noticeably crooked.

The power to speak in only anime openings

The power to elect George W Bush.

The power to have a great singing voice, but only in the shower,

The power to die at will.

the power to become a duck but not be able to quack

the power to read this sentence

The power to realize that the alphabet does not need to be in any particular order

The power to be invisible, but only when no one's looking.

the power to shape shift to yourself

The power to predict last week's lottery numbers

To have the power of hindsight, which will allow you to see what you should have done previously or what other people should have done

The ability to understand everything about a language after 100 years of intense studying when you could be doing something more interesting.

The power to be a human

The power to hear people's thoughts when you fap

The ability to turn into a tree in the amazon rain forest everytime you burn your pinky finger.

The power to see through walls when standing near a person whose first name is flopalopgas.

the power to predict what you are going to post on facebook

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!