To never remember what the word if means

The power to crap without pissing.

the power to predict the outcome of any event after it's already happened

The power to know the answer to every question you're asked, but forgetting it instantly.

The power to lick your own balls!!!

The ability to play UNO without a tongue

The power to not go to wor unless it's a work day and to not fell pain unless you get hurt.

The power to turn a light on with your mind, but only if the light is already on

The power to hide your identity from anyone... who doesn't know who you are.

The power to turn everything you touched into gold. A-hem. Midas, you listening?

Every time you clap some one dies

the power to know when someone queefed

The power of becoming sick when you need it.

The power to have amazing breath, but only if you brush your teeth first.

The power to convince two people I am not taking sides while simultaneously taking both sides.

The ability to forget what your saying every 3 seco- what was I saying again?

the ability to make your penis more sophistcated than yourself

The ability to make yourself rich unless you are using it on yourself...

the power to burp every time you drink 1 litre of soda/fizzy

Teh pewer off havin noo sentense speeled rite.

The power to speak any language, but not understand them.

The power to make school 24 hours , and making vacations for 30 minutes.

The power to become a virgin but only if you've never had sex.

the power to be good at something your already good at.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!