The power to see your neighbor without looking.

the power to pee straight with a boner

The power to kiss your own elbow

The power to make deaf people see again.

The ability to arrange M&M's in alphabetical order.

The Ability to make everybody hate YOU!

The power of see inside your eyes.

The ability to be the best hacker in the world but if ill use my abilities ill die.

The ability not cry while cutting onions, only after hearing the news that a family member has just died

Super taste, while living in Mexico.

the power to speak morse code .

the power of fly... into an airplane

The Ability to longer your arms and fingers but only if you are picking a booger....

The ability have sex with Betty White

the power to shit cellulose

The power to waste time making a video about pointless superpowers when you could be doing something productive.

The ability to laugh listening to Trololo

The power to make people laugh telling german jokes.

The ability to make ocean waves with your mind, but only when the waves are coming in....

The power to reverse crab walk at extremely high speeds

The ability to be a janitor at Disney World


The power to teabag bear- traps at will

The power to hold your breath for one to two minutes.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!