the power to make a super smelly fart every time you eat 40 cotton balls

The ability to see through walls but only when your blind

The power to transform into a 37 year old World of Warcraft playing virgin

the power to be unable to have a power.

The power to vomit every time you burp.

The power to add a minus to your bank account balance.

The power to immediately become comatose every time you blink.

The ability to produce rainbows and yoghurt from your armpits.

The power to get stuck to doorknobs in dangerous situations

The power to yell WOW THOSE ARE SOME GIANT MELONS LADY! And have her blush and giggle, as your girlfriend grabs you and kisses you, just to make sure to "balloon lady" that you are not on the free market. Moral: And you think I act unusual here... Hah! That is simply because you lack the ability to love... the most important person in your life, the one that will take care of your beloved ones, the one that will inspire his friends... Yourself... sadly we are in a time period where being a modest emo is in... Well, I am out! Out there, being free!

The power to breathe out when you need to breathe in and vice versa.

The power to become a virgin but only if you've never had sex.

The Power To Explode Only When You Are In Underwater And Not In The Earth's Atmosphere And In A Room Made Of Diamond

The power to throw up and have it go back into your mouth

Basic telekinesis, limited to moving your body parts with your mind.

The power to sexually attract whales

Will i tell you the joke about the butter? Aww no you'll only spread it!

The power to be a virgin forever.

The power to develop a cancerous tumor anywhere in your body at any time you want.

The power to look angry when not trying too and everyone else notices it and im just lonely.

To be able to catch a speeding bullet with your head.

The power of super strength but only in your left pinky toe - EO

T3h p0w@ T0 b3 L33T

The power to see in the dark while exposed to sunlight.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!