Perfect recall of every episode of Teletubies

The power to let Raj from big bang theroy talk to girls without alcohol

The Power to fart extremely loudly every time your in a crowd.

the ability to make your finger nails longer by 0.1 %

The power to remove all ads from any page *cough* please make that on this website *cough*

The power to go Super Saiyan in the toilet

The power to forget everything u learned during a test.

The power to fly, but only in microgravity.

The power to wear the same clothes every day without them getting dirty.

The power to be first on any form of media (youtube powers).

The uncontrollable power to teleport to the places you don't want to be and every time this happens... a random fat guy barfs on you

The power to make fires bigger, but cant control them

the power to refreeze frozen ice

the abitity to talk to someone l the way across the world,but only deaf people

The power to only see glass.

the power to be invisible when sleep.

The power to own Greek, Italian and Irish stocks.

The power to fly during 0,2 seconds.

The power to eat sandwiches and never get full

The power to have 50%-78% water in your body

The ability to not blink twice as long as the normal person! Lol

The power to live.

The ability to know who is calling without looking at caller ID

the power to charge rechargeable batteries.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!