the power to SHUT UP ALREADY!

The power to repel water when you're thirsty.

The ability to tell when someone last used the bathroom by licking their thumb.

The pointless superpower to take farewell with my two fans... well one... me included... Anyway, my goal was to make an impact, however small, and when I suddenly start featuring pointless inventions, I can see I made an impact... even if it was not exactly motivating... thank you everybody. Moral: Has left the network

The power to change your position whenever you want. (I don't mean teleport I mean you can lay down while sitting or stand up while laying down)

the power to lift 5 tonnes above your head, but only for 0.1 seconds

The power to imagine boobs whenever you want at any time

The ability to lift small objects with your mind, but only if you are touching them.

The power to have a power

The power to enhance your enemy's strength

The power to repeat everything you say twice. The power to repeat everything you say twice.

The power to bleed anally at will

The power to have a pointless superpower and after realizing that it's pointless

The power to have a atomic fart

The epic power of laser pointer vision.

the ability to be a super genius but can't speak or write

The power to blame Indonesian children for your misfortunes.

The power to vote for Hillary Clinton and be happy with the decision that you made.

The power to create a unicorn online.

The power to find pokemon attractive

the ability to eject a little steam cloud from your penis every time you finish peeing.

The power to make grass grow 1cm longer than usual.

The power to speak in braille...

The ability to shoot guns, but the guns have to have no ammo to shoot.

Pointless Super Powers

A pointless super power is a supernatural ability that has no practical value. The humor is in the fact that you would be better of without that special ability. Enjoy this funny collection of pointless superpowers and write you own!